Saturday, November 18, 2006

Be Grateful

The amazingly great thing about life is that lessons come everyday and it's up to us to receive the lesson or ignore it. A few weeks ago (2 or 3) i got a message from a friend about a friend who had been sick but I wasn't able to get to the hospital to see that particular friend until Friday. When I went to the hospital, I was unaware of that his status would be something to remind me that...everything is a blessing.

Even the smallest things, like talking, can be a blessing.

My friend basically has been in a coma for 6 weeks, but I didn't know until he told me his story on friday. Basically over one month and a half he had been running on empty calories, eating unhealthy, and working very hard. So hard that he barely got sleep (he was working 20 hours a week).

One day he got sick but thought it was a stomach flu but it wasn't it.

When he got to the hospital, he said he wasn't feeling good, but it wasn't too bad. About a few hours into the hospital visit, his body buckled and he was in a coma.

He came out of the coma earlier this week, believe it or not. He had been asking to see me and other friends. I was glad to see him and to find that he had began talking on Wednesday was another blessing.

I was seeing myself in that bed, as I watched him. I know I do a lot of things. He's another driven Virgo like me. It was an epiphany and the lesson has not been lost on me.

I bet he'll never believe that me remembering the little things and blessings all came from visiting him in that hospital bed.

As we get close to Thanksgiving, I think we should remember it's not about the dressings and eating all the food. That our family, friends, our health, and our lives are extremely important.

Slowing down as become a very important thing for me lately. I know it's not popular for some who need me, but I need to stay focused on the little things. Talking is something we all take for granted.

What if you woke up one day and couldn't even speak a syllable. My friend could not speak for weeks on end.

Slow down, breath, and truly embrace your lives. You never know what is planned and being grateful can be something to add more abundancies to your lives.

Have a very beautiful Thanksgiving!

-- Mocha Sistah