Saturday, November 10, 2007

Just In Case You Were Wondering

Speaking Me, a Youth Anthology is....

in printing mode! 17 youth authors with amazing work - poetry, short memories of life, love, and other things...will be published shortly.

With funding from CAAP (Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs), we are excited to roll out this book in the next few weeks.

I was promised the books by early next week. I'm hoping to have copies by end of this month to writers and start the promotions by December.

I will keep you posted on this as soon as I get new information. Thanks to everyone for the progression of this project.

Osbey Books, Inc. will begin to seek new material for Speaking Me, Volume II between January 10 - Early April 2008. Good luck to all writers.

Mocha Sistah

Upcoming Features

hey all...

it's been a while. Just dropping in to say hello. i have shows on every tuesday and thursday. This week's feature is Dex from Michigan (novel, Not An Ordinary Life) and inspirational author of the book, Simply Elevate on 11/13 and 11/15. Atlanta's Hotep stops by on November 20th to school us on the Hustler entrepreneurship concepts and discusses his book. Then I host Philadelphia's "Mika Miller" - And God Created Woman on November 30th.

Come December, we will have a Womanhood show along with a few authors, including Lucinda Thierry who will discuss her book, Salutations. January and February 2008 shows brings a UK author and a few more American ones.

Until then, I guess we'll chat and I'll post some new things shortly here. Thanks for stopping by -- leave a little sunshine for me , why don't you.

Recommended books:

So Much Drama - Kenya Moss
Cimmerian City - Rae Lindley

To get booked on Literary Pizzazz, email with a short bio, book description and jpeg of your book along with your availability and we'll set your FREE show up!