Thursday, March 23, 2006

Get the Funk Outta Here

There's nothing more irritating than trying to edit or format a book and while you are in the middle of the process, the author gets a grand idea to add material to the book. Oops, but you got an editor who's been fine-tuning your manuscript. They are in the middle of doing technicalities like making sure the text looks uniform, and then bang, you want them to add something, don't give good insertion directions, and the editor is up to the crack of dawn with glasses pushed up on the face trying to scan a document, trying to find the space where the text needs to be added. Or better yet, you have images in the book that need to be modified. Or worse off, the dreaded table from Excel is inserted. It looks great as an 8 x 11 document but if it is going to publication as a 5.5 x 8.5 that is a different space on the page and can be soo irritating.

I know this personally. I'm currently formatting books and it's been pleasure and hell. I'm in emails all day (when I do work) trying to catch all types of little things like prices of the boook, is it right on the cover? If not, I need to request another cover. Asking authors to please get their copyrights, especially for images in the book. The last thing you want to do is get sued by someone because you did not get authorization to publish the image (get the approval, don't assume). I'm happy though.

A few of my literary babies (my name ain't on 'em) but they will be birthing in April. I did have one author give me kudos in their book (and they don't even know me, never met me) but they appreciate the hard work. Some nights I am up til 2 am, trying to block books as we call it.

I'm learning a lot of stuff that I will be using with Osbey Books come Summer 2006. I"m excited to bring some spanking new voices to the literary world. I have Liquid Kisses and No Candles coming out soon.

I'm the editor on two school publications. So, folks do trust me to do the damn thing. I'm blessed. Til later, I got books to format. See ya in the book stores soon. And if you aren't published, what are you waiting for?

~ Mocha Sistah


Diamond said...

You are one hard working sistah! Wow! So much work is involved....but worth it. You are good.


mochasistah said...

yeah, i'lll be way behind this week but will catch up during spring break and hoping by may to see some light. wow. I did finish formatting my baby, "liquid kisses" but it's not for human consumption yet. Perhaps I will have it for June roll out. Thanks again for your support sis. Can't wait to see your "roses" project come to fruition.