Saturday, January 27, 2007

Literary Flowings...

It has been a while since I've actually blogged and that's because I am working on a few things.

My publisher hat has been on since january 1st and that means, I am reading manuscripts, line editing, reviewing and acquiring books for Osbey Books and promoting books by myself and MrTalley.

I have a pretty hectic schedule and plan to be everywhere I can this year. I might get whip lash, however it's important to market the books and connect with others.

I'm still new in the area and want to learn and not to humble to ask.

I'm excited about the novels and the poetry projects that are coming to me. I hope to have an Spring/Summer catalog of sorts and a new website for Osbey Books. will have to be revamped as well.

Upnext will be the Celebration of African American Authors Event in Oklahoma City. It's been a while since I've traveled and I'm excited to meet other authors, connect, sell books and just meet readers.

Additionally, I will be seeking submissions for the youth anthology I am working on called Speaking Me, which will feature youth writers age 10-18, which I am also seeking funding for so I can really produce a beautiful book that everyone will embrace. I have plans to release the book nationally and locally, and also place on library shelves.

Currently my book is under consideration to be placed in Grambling State University's library. I am an alumni and also under consideration to be a presenter at the University. This is a very great time for me.

I'm humble enough to know where the blessings are flowing.

If you are interested in receiving my book, Musings of a Mocha Sista, it's in most of the libraries, just google the title with your local library you might find it. I have found that the book is here in Chicago and at least 6 other cities/states.

Again, thank you for your continued support.

I need it.

Be well,
Mocha Sistah


Anonymous said...


mochasistah said...

this blog is this year I am focusing on publishing and literary things...i cannot wait to bring to this page, unknown and aspiring writers. god has been good. I cannot take credit for all but thank you in advance as always for your support.