Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Meatless Challenge March 1st


It is time to revamp my quarterly meatless meal challenges. Last  year at this time, I definitely had better blood pressure and it is really wonderful to eat as clean as possible. Going to let go of my  yummy snacks and swap back out my 100 calorie plant based snacks: less processed is better such as fresh fruit, portion controlled nuts or low calorie smoothies. I also will be using my juicer to make some fresh juices. Meals do not have to be terrible. If you are going the route of not doing meat. Do less of vegan processed products (Gardein, Beyond Meat), and opt to make your own vegan soups or meals. Good suggested websites are Veg Web or Sweet Potato Soul.  Tons of vegan vloggers on YouTube are amazing. I suggest Cheap Lazy Vegan or Ghetto Vegans. It depends on what day you are eating and how you are eating. For the meatless challenge, I will be doing 2 meatless meals a day or more. Breakfast will be smoothies each morning or vegan pancakes on the weekends. Lunch a meatless meal and dinner a meatless soup or sauteed stir fry. Remember you do not have to eat boring. Going meatless can be very creative if you go back to my other food blog, you may see some good recipes. In the meantime, remember it's a great way to go and you don't have to do it alone. Get a friend to join you or join a veggie or vegan group on social media. If you are joining me, let me know I can be a support. Thanks in advance for your participation and of course, letting go of something old so you can get yourself ready for something new and exciting! Be well. 

(c) 2021 by Mocha  Sistah 

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