Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Inspire Higher Feature: Author Lily L. Ratiff - 03/15/08 Show

Author Lily L. Ratliff took out some time to share with the Musings Report on her book, The Life of a Lily. Please open your minds and souls to get to know this anionted woman of God through literary verses and more!

1) What compelled you to write your book? I was awakened one late night in 2001, led to write down all that God wanted to share with me. In that time of reflection and self-discovery, one of the things that God shared with me was to write my testimony. It first started as a diary/journal until 2004.

2) What was your inspiration to write the book? In 2005, tragedy struck when my brother was killed by gunfire. It had already occurred to me that I was ready to turn my diary/journal to a full fledge book, but that terrible circumstance opened up a whole new chapter in which to write about.

3) What was the major themes that you explored in your writings? Adoption and the Foster Care System, Domestic Violence, Infidelity, Depression, Tuberculosis

4) How long did you know you were given the gift of writing through verse? Since 2001

5) What should people know about this book and how to apply it to God's words through their own lives? Relevant corresponding scriptures are in the book that people can go to for a reference study and/or to self reflect. Every time I approached different circumstances in the book, that for some people could be deemed as taboo or would otherwise be considered as “airing your dirty laundry,” God’s word is then placed for people to gather a sense of His promise to us as believers who have once fallen short, but can then regain His provision of a better tomorrow.

6) What makes this book stands out as a unique book in your writing genre? This book is very unique. Not too many people can or will tell a story and open up their hearts like an open book. Most non-fiction inspirational books only give stories from the bible and relevant scripture and try to relate it to our everyday “now” lives (not saying those books are neither meaningful nor powerful for what many need). However, my book brings home experiences that many can relate to for today, experiences that many people are afraid to share or admit to others. This book is like a mini-diary that people can look at themselves just like looking at a mirror. So many people will not only be able to relate, but see that no matter what you go through, God has an answer for it.

7) Where can people purchase the book? People can purchase by book via my website, or After April 8th, everyone will be able to purchase the book at any book retailer near them, and online retailers, such as Amazon, Wal-mart, Borders, and Barnes and Nobles.

8) Do you have any upcoming events? Friday, March 21st, I will be at Nubian Bookstore in Atlanta, GA from 4:30-7:30 P.M. signing my books. Saturday, March 22nd, I will be at the All-Alumni Step Show at the Georgia World Congress Center, in Atlanta, 7:00P.M. as a vendor, selling and signing my books as well as introducing my business, “Everything That’s Lily, LLC”: inspirational jewelry with a message of Christ. April 4th-6th, I will be going to Dayton, OH, invited to a gospel play called, Pleading My Case. During the intermission, I will be selling and signing my books. April 8th is the release date of my book. April 19th-book release party (time and place forthcoming.) May 16-18th, I will be in Houston, Texas as a participating author at the National Black Book Festival-hosted by

(Check out and for more information about the festival and to purchase a copy of the book!)

9) What do you want people to know about you as a writer?

My passion as a writer extends into ministry for people who have lost hope, or feel that their dreams of ever succeeding in life are far fetched. The devil knows how to put a limit on your goals and desires, but there’s no limit on what God can do. Writing the book, The Life of a Lily: Growing in His Strength, Blooming in His Love displays the prime example of how one woman, who was given the command to tell her testimony, took years to complete it, but not by accident. God’s timing is not like ours. I am a writer that is pragmatic and can take the word of God and apply it on so many different levels for different individuals going through different situations, but all coming to one conclusion: God said, “My brother, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing….Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him” (James 1:2-4, 12). So even though it may have taken a while to publish this book according to society’s norms, according to God, is was right on time! God’s word is for his people right now!

Come join InspireHigher co-host Premonitions and I as we discuss Self-Love, Redemption and God's Grace on Saturday, March 15, 2008 with Author Lily L. Ratliff. Log on to at 10: 30 AM Central Standard Time/11:3o AM Eastern Standard Time.

We urge readers to purchase her inspirational book which you can apply to any area of your life. God Bless and keep our sister of the verse.

Pam Osbey
Host, Inspire Higher Radio Show