Wednesday, July 27, 2016

July Haiku Poems

July Haiku #1

Strong love in my body

Grow from strength and healing now

Gifted from the Lord above

July Haiku #2

Whisper no lies now

Honesty is the key in

Our relationship

July Haiku #3

Fresh beginning  lies

Between two souls merging

Let us build new love

(c) 2016 by Mocha Sistah

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

And I'm Wondering

And I’m Wondering (2016) by M. Sistah


Across the world where people grieve

Eyes bleeding from misread actions

Now black bodies are shining on the

News for all to see

Unbelievable responses from

Law abiding citizens paid to

Lay bodies in the ground,

Fresh from bullet wounds,

Shots tearing through soft skin

And we are to help justify those

Who don’t know why they

Harmed someone’s child,

Spouse, or daughter.


Across the world people are nervous

Eyes wondering why there’s a war

On black men as if it didn't exist before.

Warning, don’t come to the US thinking

You will be safe, because black seeds are perishable


Fresh from the womb, shot down in the prime of their lives.

Be careful or you might be next up on the tube

Where media professionals make judgements on

Individuals no longer here to tell their story


Across the table parents are coming up with

Excuses for the bad behavior.

Eyes wondering if their seed will be next

Warning, it doesn’t matter how much you ‘prep’

Your children, your teens, or adults in your life.

Strife might come knocking on their door

And a funeral might be in your future

Because black seeds are perishable.


Across hospitals, bodies come and are worked on


Nurses, doctors, lawyers, other professionals are

Wondering, after the excuses will their family or

Children be on the news.

Will they have to feel the social justice  blues?

When will be too much?

How many more bodies must go in the cold, cold

ground before a change comes.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Sex or Love, a poetic thought

Sex or Love
by Mocha Sistah

Pieces of his soul
are accessible.
Like a dark pyramid she searches
for something that can't be found
but he is a clever thief who wants
her sweetness
but offers blank scraps
of her life.
Meanwhile, he is uncut
and he disappears into
the existence
into oblivion.

What is funny is that he
offers his body as a living sacrifice
a breathing temple that offers
succulent orgasmic delights
these periodic moments of lust
drops in her mouth momentarily
for sparks of time

But his heart has a crust on it
It is solid, nothing pierces its foundation
and to this casual queen
he gives nothing
but sexual itches
that shit ends quickly enough

There's an assumption because the
luscious core has been massaged that
true love exists
however only a desirous seed has been planted

No sense in getting upset
all that has been done is investment of
tasty tongues on short assignment.
Soft moments that will dissipate at the end
of explosive minutes

The body tingles
The heart hurts
The core is torn

Tenderness is not considered
One prays she retains her self worth
and understands while it may be good sex
it ain't love.

He is in his outside zone
covered in a woody foundation
and her love may fall on deaf earts
and an empty shell of a soul

She must understand the position
she has placed herself in
and act accordingly.

(c) 2016 by Mocha Sistah

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

I just wanted to share this poem that I wrote a while back. I hope all is well and looking forward to updating the blog with new author interviews and books soon!

Night Song 

Midnight moon shine like shimmering roses 

embedded on my skin. 

Tear through my oracles like 

a silver light. 

Twirl me beyond the universe. 

Lift me on twinkling space that 

cuts through atmosphere. 

Like a cloud on fire 

as echoes from below lull me 

to sleep. 
(c) 2016 by M. Sistah

Monday, May 02, 2016


I lost my sky under you
With clouds constantly threatening
My peace of mind

Scattered memories
Burned my scarred heart
Pieces of it
Floating in a cold, cold river
Filled with dark mucus, brown shit
And old dull knives.

No sugar,
Honey or ice teas
No home cooked meals
Made from love
No long walks in the city,
Holding, sweet loving hands.

Just cold silence
Torn emotions
Ripped bleeding soul
My lip bitten a thousand times
No sweetness
From your mouth
Just darkness
This hard sadness
Weighing me down
As I crawl on my belly
Reaching through this hell
Dirt in my eyes
As I realized
There is no more us
No more trust
Just time to go.

I gotta recover my soul
(c) 2016 by Mocha Sistah

Thursday, April 07, 2016

14/30 written on 4/7/16 
Day 7 out of 30 of #NaPoWriMo 

Untitled poem 

Beautiful man 
my blistered wounds
til they're healed 
echo positive 
chants to my soul 
Sooth my scattered mind
til I'm blind with only 
images of you. 

(c) 2016 by Mocha Sistah 

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Yearn (comfort of you) 

Marrying my soul with yours
Tucked in real tight...
I yearn
For pleasures unknown  Rising
from slumber
Daylight comes to interrupt these
I have the weak spot in me
that is the love of you
and poisonous desire that
wracks havoc on my soul

You're charming the negativity
out of me
molding this fractured tortured
girl who once cried over things
her soul could no longer take

Rising like God's handpicked angel
I am torn
between what I want to do
and what I need for you to do
with me

Liberations deep within me
taunt me at night
while you slumber
and when I'm deep in my abyss
of lost dreams and desires
you pull me back from the brink
of self-loathing

The comfort of your love
sets my soul free
As I breath in, lay on your
shoulder, easing all the pain away

The comfort of
you give me awesomely wicked
african rhythms that course my body

Glued together forever
my heart
your heart
our lives stay interwined
as your write lyrics to my soul
that fly in the air for all to
yearning, this bliss
yearning, this love
takes me to sweet heaven
and beyond

p l e a s e
stop the comfort

it's always what I need from you

(c) 2006 by Mocha Sistah 

Haiku 4/30

Sweet air flowing life
Sun shining amazingly so
the earth smiles its love

(c) 2016 by Mocha Sistah
All Rights Reserved

Sunday, April 03, 2016


Hurled words burn skins
Draw blood
Pierce the soul
Slice down love

Love is not this pissivity 

In this atmosphere pure hatred 
From a dark spirit intent on
Conquering down a pure
Innocent person

Yet you call this love?

(c) 2016 by Mocha Sistah
All Rights Reserved 

By Mocha Sistah

When I go walking
Care is given to breathe out impurities

When I cannot
Hold my spirit,
some stranger tries to snatch
my joy

When I cannot dream
I pray until tears wash my face
And I sing, sing until my vocals are raw

When I am not whole,
I escape through unrequited
Love in my bones

(C) 2016 by Mocha Sistah
All Rights reserved