Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Change of Me...

I have crossed a mile stone. I'm 40! I enjoyed a birthday that was special with those who love me. The dinner was awesome. The weekend was great and the weather was perfect. I couldn't ask for more.

For me it means.. a New number, different mind set. I'm happy. Things are okay and flowing the way it should. I'm deciding on some important matters. I'm making some transitions. I'm watching the political race and I"m involved.

I find that 40 (for me) is freeing. I'm more honest about things. I'm not as concerned with other's thoughts of me. I'm working hard on my goals and dreams. I'm focused more on family, and small moments of time...

I've taken more time out in the last 2 weeks to slow down and enjoy the little things. Laying out by the lake, writing in my journal, and breathing slow to enjoy time as it spins very serenely. Going to Millenium park, walking around town, taking care of my health is sooo important to me. That's it.

I find also that this 'age' has helped me to cut the fat in my life. Not fat but people. People who mean me harm, who have never really supported me who need to be out. So I've slowly begun to transition the not so good elements, cutting down to the ones that really are for me, and not against me. I really don't have the time or the attitude to have people around me who are negative spirits who PRETEND to be something they aren't.

My intuition is running things along with the spirit God has instilled in me.

So yes, I'm being very focused on what is working in my life and what isn't.

I'm excited about my background melodies (good things in progress), along with the radio show, new books, and other haps.

I challenge you to be the change you want to see in the world. As Ghandi said, because you'll be waiting forever for someone to change what you want to see. It's like Nike says, just do it!

Mocha Sistah

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Over Kill

Yes, I'm to the max. I always am. So when I woke up on Monday morning to no DSL service I was petrified, but it proved to be something of a blessing. See I spend countless hours online promoting, emailing people, updating blogs, contacting clients, etc. Having spent almost 6 days offline proved a few things -- I'm loved -- missed -- and of course, the time off was needed. I work hard. In fact the last month has been my most hectic. I'm lucky that I didn't have any health issues for I did push myself beyond my normal limits.

My cellular phone pretty much blew up when my primary account was inactive. People worried about me kind of surprised me but also was cool because it meant, some really did miss me. In my interim time offline I lost a family member; another reminder that life is important and that I don't have a lot of time myself, as I don't know what my 'number' is. God does though. The family member that passed away was only 57 years old, and I'm nearing 40, so that was startling to me.

On my flip side, this week wasn't all bad. I received an award from a school regarding my years of service as a Literary Educator, and two of my programs went extremely well.

I got rest, had time with my family (more time than I usually have), and that was a blessing in itself. As a great friend reminds me, that my superwoman cape has to come down sometimes (smile) and I'm allowing people to actually take care of me. I surely appreciate those who contacted me during my offline time , especially those who called or emailed me to just check in to say hi. That is very important. I know sometimes I don't seem to be available or that people believe I am too busy to slow down, neither are true.

It's just that I am more like my Grandmother (r.i.p "Ma Davis") who always keeps it moving. But learning to slow down ain't bad either.

With that said, I'm heading over to the Chicago Gospel Fest this weekend to restore my spiritual soul and hang with a few sister friends.

It's another nice day outside and as I smell the flowers in my house today, I'm reminded that quiet and solace is a blessed thing.

Here's to wishing you a bountiful weekend.

Mocha Sistah

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Thinking of Many Things

Well, I hope this blog finds you doing very well. It's almost Mother's Day, can you believe it? I've spent the last month hopping around doing this and that. Time spent at the Romance Slam Jam was pretty hectic but very good. It was the first time I ever spent talking to others about my short stories and pitching publishing houses. I got some great feedback and I'm working on sealing up several stories to get to the pub houses for review of possible contracts. I'm just excited that I can get some more short stories either in e-book or paperback format. I will probably have the books published under another pen name though.

I'm in the middle of a lot of planning for culminating events for several programs with Poetry Center of Chicago and Family Focus, Inc. Students are performing at schools on May 15, May 27th and May 30th. In addition, I am on stage during the week of May 21st with John Beer and his "poetry theatre series". I will only have a short amount of time to study and learn my lines before I hit the stage. Then there's Career Fair events on May 10, May 20th and May 21st. Let's not forget the Gwendolyn Brooks Poetry event on June 5th with the Words @ Play program. I hope I still have air in my lungs by the weekend of June 7th to attend the Sox game on June 8th.

And to think I thought I would be relaxing between April and July. Didn't happen.

There is also a book in production with O.B.I, and a few new projects from other authors during the summer of 2008 including, Loving Your Life.

I'm excited to say I will be attending a wedding of a friend in August 2008 in St. Louis, MO so that's going to be very nice. I cannot wait to see my friend and her fiancee seal the deal. It's such a beautiful thing to see black love in motion. It still exists folks.

Well, right now, I need to get ready to go to the Career Fair at Senn High School. I will be working with teen girls, some pregnant or young mothers. The workshop will focus on self love, self care and self worth through reflection and creative expressions. I hope they get a lot out of it, I am just excited to be with 25-30 women to dialogue about life and their world.

Don't forget to hug your mom, your sister, or your daughter's this weekend. This is a wonderful weekend to remember Mother's who are now in God's cloud of love. This is a time to enjoy mother's and what they bring to the world. Never forget to enjoy your Mom's while they are still in your world.

I am wishing you many blessings.

Mocha Sistah

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Many Things

It's been a while, so I thought I'd post you go. An update of sorts. I'm working on balance (a constant thing with me...) There's never a shortness of work with me. Things are bursting all over but as far as balancing it out in real life, I have to do a mental check and make sure I am not shorting my self or my family. That's the most important thing for me.

It's been a quiet saturday, and yes, I'm late on my taxes. I normally don't even sweat it cause I know I will owe money because I am self employed and yes, that means my lil stimulus check will be applied to any owed taxes. In fact that works for me big time. Unfortunately us self employed folks have to pay out of pocket fees because of the way we are paid (untaxed dollars) but in general terms I am okay with it. At least I can sleep at night when I know I am able to work my schedule the way I want it and it flows right that I don't have to hit the grind 24/7 or work unlimited hours at a 9 to 5. My grind is my grind. 3 years gone by and I'm still standing (yeah yeah yeah). On to other things.

The next few months are huge for me in terms of exposure and community re-connections. I am performing a few times between April and June, and of course I am teaching community after school programs in parks and schools. I will be at the Romance Slam Jam, Senn & Simpson High Schools, and performing at the Chicago Park Library on two occasions. I also will be traveling to St. Louis to participate as a vendor in a Literacy Book Festival with fellow authors in the St. Louis, Missouri area. I'll try to post something so everyone can be aware of where I'm at. You can also checkout my show listings at

Writing grants is my new hobby. I finished up a grant a few weeks ago and I'm working on one for the Neighborhood Arts Grant. I'm hoping to get approved by the ASM folks by Summer 2008. If not, I may go back to the private sector for a few weeks during the summer. I am helping a few folks get their businesses off the ground and doing some consulting with other authors and publishers. Summer 2008 I might be able to get to the Harlem Book Fair for it's 10 year anniversary with my author Onika Pascal.

Yes, I know I said I'm slowing down and it's true. I have a special someone in my life who is my inspiration for such enjoyment of real life off the 'net. That's a good thing too. As I creep up towards my 40th year on this earth I am always reminded everything is not always about words, baby poets, teaching poetry or staying busy as a writer and publisher.

I plan to move into a new phase of my life, to include relationships, having a family, and maybe marriage. But I'll let God work all those details out. You know with me, you never know. I am extremely grateful though. As I think about the last few months of things that I had to deal with, I am happy that I can even breath and still know that God is who he is and that he's allowed me to exist in the space I do without drama and health issues. I am extremely favored and I will say it out loud, "thank you lord."

Many things continue to pull me in many directions, I know that I'm coming soon to a phase of life where things will be more simplicist. I cannot wait for that. It's not always about the "mocha sistah" thing either. Sooner or later I'll have to take a year off and just be 'pam' and I'm okay with that.

Anyway, I bid you adieu for the moment. I hope you have a nice weekend and enjoy whatever it is that makes your soul sing.

Mocha Sistah

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Inspire Higher Feature: Author Lily L. Ratiff - 03/15/08 Show

Author Lily L. Ratliff took out some time to share with the Musings Report on her book, The Life of a Lily. Please open your minds and souls to get to know this anionted woman of God through literary verses and more!

1) What compelled you to write your book? I was awakened one late night in 2001, led to write down all that God wanted to share with me. In that time of reflection and self-discovery, one of the things that God shared with me was to write my testimony. It first started as a diary/journal until 2004.

2) What was your inspiration to write the book? In 2005, tragedy struck when my brother was killed by gunfire. It had already occurred to me that I was ready to turn my diary/journal to a full fledge book, but that terrible circumstance opened up a whole new chapter in which to write about.

3) What was the major themes that you explored in your writings? Adoption and the Foster Care System, Domestic Violence, Infidelity, Depression, Tuberculosis

4) How long did you know you were given the gift of writing through verse? Since 2001

5) What should people know about this book and how to apply it to God's words through their own lives? Relevant corresponding scriptures are in the book that people can go to for a reference study and/or to self reflect. Every time I approached different circumstances in the book, that for some people could be deemed as taboo or would otherwise be considered as “airing your dirty laundry,” God’s word is then placed for people to gather a sense of His promise to us as believers who have once fallen short, but can then regain His provision of a better tomorrow.

6) What makes this book stands out as a unique book in your writing genre? This book is very unique. Not too many people can or will tell a story and open up their hearts like an open book. Most non-fiction inspirational books only give stories from the bible and relevant scripture and try to relate it to our everyday “now” lives (not saying those books are neither meaningful nor powerful for what many need). However, my book brings home experiences that many can relate to for today, experiences that many people are afraid to share or admit to others. This book is like a mini-diary that people can look at themselves just like looking at a mirror. So many people will not only be able to relate, but see that no matter what you go through, God has an answer for it.

7) Where can people purchase the book? People can purchase by book via my website, or After April 8th, everyone will be able to purchase the book at any book retailer near them, and online retailers, such as Amazon, Wal-mart, Borders, and Barnes and Nobles.

8) Do you have any upcoming events? Friday, March 21st, I will be at Nubian Bookstore in Atlanta, GA from 4:30-7:30 P.M. signing my books. Saturday, March 22nd, I will be at the All-Alumni Step Show at the Georgia World Congress Center, in Atlanta, 7:00P.M. as a vendor, selling and signing my books as well as introducing my business, “Everything That’s Lily, LLC”: inspirational jewelry with a message of Christ. April 4th-6th, I will be going to Dayton, OH, invited to a gospel play called, Pleading My Case. During the intermission, I will be selling and signing my books. April 8th is the release date of my book. April 19th-book release party (time and place forthcoming.) May 16-18th, I will be in Houston, Texas as a participating author at the National Black Book Festival-hosted by

(Check out and for more information about the festival and to purchase a copy of the book!)

9) What do you want people to know about you as a writer?

My passion as a writer extends into ministry for people who have lost hope, or feel that their dreams of ever succeeding in life are far fetched. The devil knows how to put a limit on your goals and desires, but there’s no limit on what God can do. Writing the book, The Life of a Lily: Growing in His Strength, Blooming in His Love displays the prime example of how one woman, who was given the command to tell her testimony, took years to complete it, but not by accident. God’s timing is not like ours. I am a writer that is pragmatic and can take the word of God and apply it on so many different levels for different individuals going through different situations, but all coming to one conclusion: God said, “My brother, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing….Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him” (James 1:2-4, 12). So even though it may have taken a while to publish this book according to society’s norms, according to God, is was right on time! God’s word is for his people right now!

Come join InspireHigher co-host Premonitions and I as we discuss Self-Love, Redemption and God's Grace on Saturday, March 15, 2008 with Author Lily L. Ratliff. Log on to at 10: 30 AM Central Standard Time/11:3o AM Eastern Standard Time.

We urge readers to purchase her inspirational book which you can apply to any area of your life. God Bless and keep our sister of the verse.

Pam Osbey
Host, Inspire Higher Radio Show

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Saluting an Oklahoma Favorite: Author Lucinda Thierry

Oklahoma native Lucinda Thierry will be our featured author on Literary Pizzazz on Monday, February 11, 2008 @ 7PM CST TIME.

Lucinda Marie Thierry is a graduate of Oklahoma State University with a Bachelor of Science in Journalism & Broadcasting (Public Relations emphasis) and a minor in Spanish. As a college student, she wrote for the campus newspaper and received a Third Place Award for a Newspaper Series from the Southwest Journalism Congress. She also served on the university's Board of Student Publications. Lucinda works as a civilian courseware developer and trainer for the Air Force, and she serves as an enlisted mass communication specialist for the Navy Reserve. She is also an Air University graduate of Air Command & Staff College. Additionally, she owns Made By Me - parent company to Made By Me Greeting Cards, R.C.'s Art (her son's illustration business) and Beads By D. (her daughter's bead business). Made By Me Greeting Cards specializes in hand-made cards with calligraphic lettering and personalized poetry. Made By Me also offers a travel website where you can search all your travel needs with just one click, eliminating the need to utilize multiple search engines to find the best price. Just go to

Lucinda has been published in many civilian and military newspapers, magazines and online publications as a respected journalist. Just google Lucinda Thierry, and you can read some of her work.

Salutations, Christian Poems for Various Occasions is a compilation of poems written for clients from Lucinda Marie Thierry's Made By Me Greeting Cards business.

Are you big on holidays? Have you ever wanted to say something special to a friend but couldn’t find the right
words? Maybe birthdays are your forte, or you’ve tried your hand at poetry a time or two. Well, this is the book for you. There is a poem for just about every occasion, and you can even sketch out ideas of your own inside this very book. Whether greeting a friend, saying happy birthday to a relative or co-worker, or sending someone off at a farewell party, you’ll have an array of expressions to choose from.

So, before you put pen to paper or plan your next party, flip through the pages of this book. It just might inspire you.

To order books, email Lucinda Marie Thierry at The cost is $10 per book. Add $3.99 postage and handling for the first book and $0.99 for each additional book purchased.


Longevity is a blessing

Allowing for another year to grow
We go from glory to glory
A truth that you’ve come to know
We hope you’ll enjoy this birthday
A blessing from God to you
We pray you’ll celebrate the next one
With the unified book club crew

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Black History Month Thoughts - FAMILY

Hello everyone,

It's that time again. I am posting my very first voice blog. Listen and post any comments as necessary.

I hope this month helps to strengthen the black race as a whole and continues throughout the year.

Reply | Copy This

Mocha Sistah

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Literary Pizzazz introduces Mark Tomback

Our featured guest on Monday, January 28, 2008 will be Mark Tomback. His book Spiriting Around: A Modern Guide to Finding Yourself. Its theme is life’s too hard but easier when we accept spiritual responsibility. Written with teens in mind it’s really for anyone. It’s a guidebook for growing up and who couldn’t use that—at any age. It describes work and responsible ways to make money.Then love: marriage, sex, friendship, and love for God—all from a spiritual standpoint. Then a unique chapter explains the paradoxes life forces on us as we make the compromises that frame our values. And the last chapter comes full circle describing God—and our future—in practical realistic terms.

Visit the author's site for more details on his book. Tune to his show on Literary Pizzazz, 01/28/08 by logging on to

Friday, January 11, 2008

Literary Pizzazz Introduces Author Brian Lynch

Our second author of the Brian Lynch. He is an author, radio host, and entrepreneur. His company Valson Writings, Inc., connects readers, writers, and other literary entrepreneurs.

Here's a little about him.

Brian O Lynch was born to Valerie Lynch a single mom in 1971. His deep conviction of relationships was deeply rooted by his Christian background. As a young boy he was taught the basic principles of what a relationship should be. Migrating to the United States in his late teens he was soon influenced by the wrong ideas and had soon turned to practices contrary to his Christian belief. Thanks to his mom and the spirit of God working through both of them he was set on the right path again. His deep convictions were once renewed into his way of life. Assuredly no one is perfect so over the years he has learned valuable lessons when he turned away from God. His Passion to find a relationship of love, romance and the quality of life has driven him to get deeper in the subject of relationship. He credits the guidance of the Holy Spirit as the source of his knowledge. His writings are based partially on his own relationship experiences and of numerous researches that were carefully conducted over the years. His passion to see a better life for single mothers was also a strong inspiration for his writings. His greatest hope is as you read his writings you will allow it to point out where you are in seeking your relationship of love, romance and a better quality of life.

Tune in to Brian's show "Quality of Life" on Blog Talk Radio.

Visit his site Valson Writings to connect, network, etc.

His interview on Literary Pizzazz is Tuesday, January 15, 2008.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Literary Pizzazz features author Nikkea Smithers

It's that time again. We have been off the air for 2 weeks! We return with awesome author and poetess Nikkea Smithers who has crafted her novel, Keith's Story.

Keith’s Story is the long awaited prequel and sequel to the underground hit novel Gold Diggin’ Raped, abandoned, homeless and pimped (all before the age of 18) Keith is battling in a war with his mind vs. his heart. In part one, Keith is shown just how strong a young man can be when faced with challenges that are beyond his realm of control. Enduring more than a child should ever have to, Keith runs through life with the robust desire to just survive. What Keith doesn’t understand is, what is done in the dark must come to the light, no matter how long it takes for the day to break. In part two Keith must answer to his past (which may tear his new family apart) and face earth shattering revelations. Questions are answered as new relationships unfold. Taking stage after he has moved to a new town with his new wife and daughter, part two exposes him in a way he never thought was possible. Keith’s Story is raw, uncut and unapologetic. Jump in the passenger seat of this fast paced story as told by the lead character and let it take you away!

Visit the author's website @

Tune in to the show next Monday January 14th @ 8 PM CST TIME

Call into the show -- 646-478-5460 and hear her LIVE!!!! ASK QUESTIONS and FIND OUT HER INSPIRATIONS AS A WRITER and MORE!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

End of an Era

Well, it's been a while since I've blogged and much has happened. First, it's a new year! Second, I've been on vacation for a long time and actually rested. Two weeks is a long time not to work, worry about the normal grind. I spent most of my vacation resting, and cleaning house mentally and spiritually. You'll be glad to note, I am healthy - no real issues going on, even managed to have a half-decent relationship with my estranged father. It's not perfect, but I guess it's as good as it will get. As far as everything else, I'm revising my business plan, working on two books, and about to send my teen anthology to an editor to do some comprehensive editing so I can reprint the book this Spring. So far, great comments from the teens on the book. It's been very hard to get myself to do any adminstrative work, but I guess that will happen on Tuesday when I return to the schools. I am also writing a grant for a summer program that hopefully will be picked up by the city.

Besides that I guess it's life as normal. End of an era, beginning a new. I'm about to do a body detox program for a 1 or 2 to get myself refocused on balance in my healthy eating habits, but nothing too extreme. I'm also working on organizing my poetry that I have taught over the years. I envision some sort of poetry gallery where I can highlight all the youth's poetry. Imagine that -- poetry by children from K - 12, from 2001 until the present time. Poetry from youth in my programs litter my home and it's out of control so I'm gonna begin to batch the items annually and try to keep them all together and out of the way. Right now, I hate that I have little or no space to highlight them. The funniest poetry item I have is a little poetry tree made from poems written in my classes at one of the parks. One of the coolest thing I did last year was help the park present a poetry gift to Margaret Burroughs. I hope she enjoyed the poetry the kids wrote and gave to her with the gift.

The best thing I've done over my break was very simple. I stacked up on my THE WIRE , Seasons 2, 3 and 4. I know Season 5 (last one) starts tonight. I'll buy the DVD when it comes out late in 2008 or early 2009. I also like Dexter, a show from Showtime, and that is one of my favorite shows as well as the WIRE. Washing my locks twice a week during the break provided me with a relaxing way to be taking care of myself. Movies were my thing during the break, even though Chicago had some nasty weather. I hate snow, but I hate staying in as well. House music night was off the chain last wednesday and I expect do that again, Martin Luther King's weekend.

Planning for me this year is dealing with getting my pass port. I got invited to the Frank Furt Book Fair, not sure I'm going but it's in Germany. I also am working on a lot of details with my book company, new authors, mentoring them, and getting new projects on the ground running. Well, I only have 1 more day to enjoy before my real life creeps up and slaps me silly.
I hope you had a great holiday season, enjoyed your family, and rung in the new year with love and renewal in your heart.

Until we meet...

Mocha Sistah