Saturday, May 10, 2008

Thinking of Many Things

Well, I hope this blog finds you doing very well. It's almost Mother's Day, can you believe it? I've spent the last month hopping around doing this and that. Time spent at the Romance Slam Jam was pretty hectic but very good. It was the first time I ever spent talking to others about my short stories and pitching publishing houses. I got some great feedback and I'm working on sealing up several stories to get to the pub houses for review of possible contracts. I'm just excited that I can get some more short stories either in e-book or paperback format. I will probably have the books published under another pen name though.

I'm in the middle of a lot of planning for culminating events for several programs with Poetry Center of Chicago and Family Focus, Inc. Students are performing at schools on May 15, May 27th and May 30th. In addition, I am on stage during the week of May 21st with John Beer and his "poetry theatre series". I will only have a short amount of time to study and learn my lines before I hit the stage. Then there's Career Fair events on May 10, May 20th and May 21st. Let's not forget the Gwendolyn Brooks Poetry event on June 5th with the Words @ Play program. I hope I still have air in my lungs by the weekend of June 7th to attend the Sox game on June 8th.

And to think I thought I would be relaxing between April and July. Didn't happen.

There is also a book in production with O.B.I, and a few new projects from other authors during the summer of 2008 including, Loving Your Life.

I'm excited to say I will be attending a wedding of a friend in August 2008 in St. Louis, MO so that's going to be very nice. I cannot wait to see my friend and her fiancee seal the deal. It's such a beautiful thing to see black love in motion. It still exists folks.

Well, right now, I need to get ready to go to the Career Fair at Senn High School. I will be working with teen girls, some pregnant or young mothers. The workshop will focus on self love, self care and self worth through reflection and creative expressions. I hope they get a lot out of it, I am just excited to be with 25-30 women to dialogue about life and their world.

Don't forget to hug your mom, your sister, or your daughter's this weekend. This is a wonderful weekend to remember Mother's who are now in God's cloud of love. This is a time to enjoy mother's and what they bring to the world. Never forget to enjoy your Mom's while they are still in your world.

I am wishing you many blessings.

Mocha Sistah


Onika Pascal said...

okay, its may 17th into the 18th and I know you still haven't slowed down. YOU BETTER HAD GET SOME SLEEP. Literary Pizzazz's Anniversary is coming up and you better get some sleep...for that show will be crazy ;)

mochasistah said...

one mo week of madness ...things will slow around the 23rd, right on time for the Memorial weekend. LOL. yeah, i did get sleep the last two days. the show has gone well last night. I think did better last night with poet's theatre. it's been a crazy week. yeah, the anniversary show will be crazy!!!! hope you join us. thanks for your continual support and faith in what i do. be blessed.