Friday, March 20, 2009

Repeat This

Often in class, I find myself repeating a lot of things. So I snuck and wrote a poem about it, using repetition basically.



repeat what i gotta say everyday.
repeating things as i stand at the front of the classroom
being tested by 30 students palming their grimmy pencils
and white paper with scrawled names
repeating abc's
repeating 123's of poetry
repetition is the name of a poetry teacher's game
and please don't be lame
cause kids will laugh in your face
sometimes i cannot think because i am constantly
repeating in my head (lord don't let me have to utter
that syllable again!)
repeating errands that i must do in my head like
memorizing math multiplications or substracting
the times i've had to stop class because of inappropriate
or distracting behavior...
i just don't want to forget... what i was teaching
what was i teaching?
i repeat steps as i walk my walk
i repeat steps as i dial momma in between classes
and laugh about my crazy 3rd grade class at koz
i sometimes laugh inside at the kids...
they are like instant entertainment...
distracting little play performers on crack
jingling this way
wiggling that way
spotlight on the main performers as they keep me
this repeating days and moments feel like
lyrical mathematican's running a crazy conference
about lack of self control with behaviors that
tintinnbulate the verses of their syllables
that constantly tumble of their mouth sounding
so unephonic...
i rehearse my little spiel and hope they get something
from the lesson, close my bag, slid papers in them and
then return to the first time i entered the learning
tool box as i know... that lessons beyond poetry
are always shared and learned
and those will be repeated in future generations of
writers who experienced a little sharing of words
with me in a class somewhere in between the midwest
and south, so i retire my pen and my soul
even for a little while maybe the hungering for new knowledge
will have been planted by a forty minute session in a class
where language was the fore front, not just slight interruptions
of human behavior

(c) 2009 by Mocha Sistah

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