Tuesday, July 26, 2016

And I'm Wondering

And I’m Wondering (2016) by M. Sistah


Across the world where people grieve

Eyes bleeding from misread actions

Now black bodies are shining on the

News for all to see

Unbelievable responses from

Law abiding citizens paid to

Lay bodies in the ground,

Fresh from bullet wounds,

Shots tearing through soft skin

And we are to help justify those

Who don’t know why they

Harmed someone’s child,

Spouse, or daughter.


Across the world people are nervous

Eyes wondering why there’s a war

On black men as if it didn't exist before.

Warning, don’t come to the US thinking

You will be safe, because black seeds are perishable


Fresh from the womb, shot down in the prime of their lives.

Be careful or you might be next up on the tube

Where media professionals make judgements on

Individuals no longer here to tell their story


Across the table parents are coming up with

Excuses for the bad behavior.

Eyes wondering if their seed will be next

Warning, it doesn’t matter how much you ‘prep’

Your children, your teens, or adults in your life.

Strife might come knocking on their door

And a funeral might be in your future

Because black seeds are perishable.


Across hospitals, bodies come and are worked on


Nurses, doctors, lawyers, other professionals are

Wondering, after the excuses will their family or

Children be on the news.

Will they have to feel the social justice  blues?

When will be too much?

How many more bodies must go in the cold, cold

ground before a change comes.

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