Sunday, May 07, 2006

Literary Entrees: Chef Walee & New Jersey

You know the kind of taste you get off your tongue after you have consumed a great meal, or the kind of feeling you get when you have enjoyed the last of the favorite snack of yours? Well, that’s the feeling I got on my tongue after consuming the best meal Newark, New Jersey had to offer at Priory Restaurant. A nice little quaint restaurant nestled in the heart of Newark, NJ, has sounds of light jazz and vocalizing, and a great spread of breakfast and brunch items including, collard greens, macaroni and cheese, sweet yams, Carolina spicy wings, fresh fried fish, Baked Ziti, and assortment of desserts including Carrot Cake, Chocolate Cake, and Pound Cake, it has the nerve to provide on site staff that will create customized fresh omelets if you choose to get. It was at Priory that I was tasting the best Macaroni and Cheese, Turkey Breast, Collard Greens, and other tasty culinary dishes, as provided by my literary brother and guru, Walee of New Jersey along with poet Diamond and Austin Texas’s, Kennard. We had a great time after collecting our thoughts on Walee’s second literary helping, What’s On the Menu: All of Me, booksigning which will held last night at Sienna Visions Gallery in Plainfield, NJ. I felt so honored to be asked to read selected poems last night when all my intention was to get a few days of rest in lovely New Jersey. I so appreciated the warm welcome from all who attended and I encourage if you are in the area, please visit the Gallery and support the wonderful work of the owners, Alonzo and Cyndie Adams ( Please support their wonderful work.

But before we continue to talk about the literary program I attended, I wanted to give you some highlights from the trip. My best relaxation moments came from Terminal A and Terminal B of the Newark International Airport. In Terminal A, I was able to get a foot massage. Now, if you know anything about me, I normally don’t even take that much time out for me, but I had to so I got a massage which was delightful. After getting my foot massaged, I went in search of nail polish, but ended up finding a great spa that would give me one of the best pedicures I have ever had. The spa is called d_parture Spa ( and there I received good customer service, my toes were dipped in water with oils, ahhh , yes, it was so relaxing and yes, they looked damn good. See, I had to get the toes done because of my open toe shoes that I wanted to wear with my outfit for Walee’s event. I couldn’t go up in there looking all wild. After one hour of toes getting beautified, I also chose to get a wax and went to find some collectibles – some tee-shirts, authentic New Jersey Taffy, and a light lunch before meeting up with Diamond ( and dashing to get myself ready for the event.

I chose five selected poems to share at the event, including, Dreaming (a bilingual poem that I actually recited off the ‘dome’), Blond Bomb Shell (praise poem for Diamond), Anticipation (sensual joint #1), Come Undone (from Exotica II – sensual joint #2), and another poem I can’t remember at this time. The event rolled off with TC Matthews Co-founder of Prolific Writers Network, a writers group I have been a member of for a number of years (join PWN for free here - , then a few New Jersey business owners of some cultural and employment opportunities that help artists, business owners and other positive individuals. Diamond read some very excellent poems that moved a lot of us, but my favorite was the stirring, Unpaid Mistress, joint that definitely made us all think…~

Walee turned heads with selected poems from his book, and the favorite I loved was “How Could You?” A piece that is a mystery in the way it is written because there’s a story that is being told and you need to listen up and keep yourself open for the shocking ending. Walee’s delivery of course is so real, so smooth that you forget where you’re at. Walee’s event was well organized and attended by New Jersey’s finest. A few out of towners, like me, and others from as far as Austin, Texas crowded the gallery. I believe I stopped counting heads after I was in the middle of my set. Books were sold, food was eaten and a good time was enjoyed by all. I had a few CD sales but a lot of love and feedback on my performances.

I got down to my toes during the set ~ For some reason, I just had to get comfortable, so my shoes came off but I don’t think it bothered anyone a bit.

I got a tour of New Jersey by TC on Saturday that was pretty cool. I saw Rutger’s University, Penn Station and a few other places of note.

I encourage you all to visit Walee’s website and please purchase one for yourself or a loved one. Get a glass of wine, and let the literary culinary session begin. You will get full of the offerings in the book. Note to the wise, this is a Grown UP folks collection that is mentally and emotionally satisfying. You will get full.

Walee’s site is:

As for me, I am going to relax and enjoy the rest of my time off. I wish you well and a productive blessed week.

Thanks to all who attended the event, gave me love, bought CDs and gave me tons of encouragement. I’ll tuck those in with me tonight and always.

~ Mocha Sistah


Diamond said...

Hi Mocha,

Good day. The event was just lovely. Spending time with you was great. I appreciated everything and the information on Chicago, which one day I will visit along with St.Louis. The food was nice in that restaurant, The Priory..and the company..Walee was just great to be with and very hospitable. The booksigning was nice and it felt good to be reading poetry in front of first I did not want to but once I got started....I did not want to stop..also I enjoyed your readings and thank you for the Blond Bomb Shell poem...I enjoyed TC...she is a very warm spirited gem with a special smile. Hope I did not leave anything out....Everything and everyone was great, for we were among generous and great low cut, no low-class ghetto style...we were among the populace of a unique style people and I just fell right in with them which tells me something and told me something when I got back to the PIER. I got work to do!

mochasistah said...

Yes, it definitely was very special event. Next time, I will have to schedule a longer visit but during my school schedule it's hard to do that. Perhaps another visit during off teaching season will be required. If you do plan to go to St. Louis, I have family there and we could easily crash somewhere, so let me know. Chicago, you know you have a place to stay with me. Walee and TC were great, yes, indeed. You didn't leave anything out but I did. I forgot talk about that Cluck U Chicken, I just wished I could have frozen some and brought it home. It was darn good. And I will agree the folks at the event were very classy, and beautiful group that I would love to share words with again. I would go back to Sienna Visions so I could congratulate Alonzo Adams on his wonderful work and yes, lady keep inspiring, you do have work to do and are much needed in your community. Blessings~~~

Anonymous said...

i'm still catching up on e-stuff...just read your line about forgetting to discuss the Cluck U chicken and i tell you i almost busted my head trying to prevent myself from fallling out of it. You are the BEST! Thanks for making the evening and the next day brunch so wonderful!!!

mochasistah said...

Walee, How in the heck did they name it Cluck U chicken. It was good. I hope your head isnt sore anymore LOL. Next time we need to do the cha cha slide at Priory's or at least have a little dancing? Naw, you might not be ready. Next time, my friend~