Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Hair Chronicles, Part I

So,yesterday I began my hair journey, yet again. The last time i trusted some one with my hair, it had horrible results, but this was different. I have thought long and hard about what I wanted to do with my hair since 2004. I went natural back in 1998 I believe, and have not had perms since 1997 so it's been a while since I have sat in a chair and given my "locks" over to someone's care. But it was nice at ten o'clock when I arrived at Shavon's place to have her start me on my new journey. It was a simple process because she combed out my natural curly hair, and washed it, then began the process of taking each strand to mold in in a locking fashion. She showed me how to use my own fingers to continue this process at home. So, after two hours of having her work her magic on my hair, she placed me under a dryer and that was it. I was a newly locked woman. Hair felt very light and basically, I went from her place to the Beauty Supply place to get some Jamaican Locking Gel, and with the instructions of working with my locks (using water), and some gel, I was instructed to come back in 2 weeks for a tightening session. Shavon stated that I had some different textures going on throughout my hair. I laughed for I knew that to be true myself.

Yesterday as I walked down the street a lot of people said my hair was "cute" and thought it was a simple twist. Because I have a fine grade of hair, it looks like curly still but that's in the in between time for my hair. After day one, I noticed that the hair is locking better in the middle portion of my hair. IN the front, its very much different, but I promised to myself that I would give this a full try and do what I'm supposed to do - as Shavon instructs to have a lot of PATIENCE because it will take more than 6 months to completely lock.

My hair looks like a bunch of curls, but I like the feel of it and I feel free. This will be the first time in my adult life that I will be wearing one style. I plan on leaving locks in for a few years. I planned to have locks by age 40 so I'm a few year's early on that. Plus, I wanted to have them before I started to have children ~ that's far away, but I do plan to keep in for a while yet.

So with this note, I bid you adieu. I'll probably post some ways that I have to maintain my locks and for those interested in locking, I'll post some websites you should check out to research for yourself. Again, locking is a personal choice and requires COMMITTMENT.

Mocha Sistah


Diamond said...

I don't cuss but shyt! I should have got some locks but I got microbraids which i talked about in my diary. I need to hit my blog more. Your locks look great! I remember when I had them...all complements...I son't like locks...give me some cornrows, that's all for now..simple darn cornrows...,shxt!

mochasistah said...

hey lady. ooh, i didn't knew you could curse. I"m telling LOL. Anyway, yes, it's fun. I love my hair. I think we all have to get our own "dos" whenever we want and need it. I spent the last 6 years totally natural, no chemicals, no perms at all. I never looked back since the late 90's. Cornrows i bet look grand on your head, Queen Writer. Take care. and much love,
Mocha S.