Saturday, January 14, 2006

A Day Above Ground

You know i love Candles, I have them in every room of my house. I burn 'em every chance I get. Well, yesterday was a regular day. I burned candles in the bedroom, living room and bathroom. You know relaxing. It's a friday! So anyway, I was watching a movie in the bedroom, fell asleep, then I heard a slight crack, but didn't go no where, I just laid in my bed. A few minutes later, the smoke bellowed in, I jumped up, and ran to the living room, (no shoes ya'll), and saw little bity pieces of sharred glass on the floor and mini-fires on the floor. The damn candles on the living room floor was burning down. (THIS IS A TRUE STORY). I walked (calmly i might add) to the kitchen got a rag, and dabbed the little fires out, and started the clean up. I was pissed when I remember I put some candles in a my little "carnival" cup - which was made of PLASTIC. SHIT< DAMN AND FUCK where the words in my head when I remember this. Anyway, not only did I lose my table, got a cut on my foot, my college degree was half burned, oh yeah! But I can replace that. Again, I'm alive by the blessing of God.

The firefighters came way too late; and by the time they got there, I had the glass cleaned up and basically wanted to ask my building manager how to resolve the carpet issue (the carpet took a bad beating with the melted candle and glass on it) but besides that none of my magazines, poetry books, poems, or other paper items even got burned, except one of my little journals. My place still looks the same except I have to find a throw rug for the moment But I"m blessed.

The thing is if I hadn't woke up, I would have been DEAD. For real. I'm lucky I'm a light sleeper b/c it would have been a different situation.

You know I love so, ladies, please be careful with the candles. Please from my heart to yours.

--- Yes, I still love candles, and most of my candles are in glass containers, but it's gonna be a while before I get brave up in here - to burn 'em--- gracias!!!! i'm breathing.

Have a beautiful weekend
and blessings,
Mocha Sistah


Diamond said...


I am glad you are still around, that was a true wake-up call. Mocha, lord have mercy. light sleeper, thank God. I would have been dead, for I am not a light sleeper. Sometimes I do have a candle lit and I fall asleep by mistake. Oh goodness, goodness and I say once again: GOODNESS!!!!

Ggggiiiirrrlll......never, ever, ever...

mochasistah said...

i know i know. i been thinking a lot about this lately. one week later above ground. God ain't finished with me yet (smile). Thanks for your love and support. keep your light shining! (but no candles...burning)