Thursday, January 05, 2006

Learning How to Fly

May today there be peace within you. May you trust
God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us
to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering
how to fly.

I'm a bonafide control freak. What does that mean? Basically I want to control every aspect of my life, and often, find myself in constant battle with the earth and universe. Of course, it's good to be control freak when you organize, plan, and run multi-faceted programs and aspects of your life, but not with some things. I recently had to learn the concept of giving peace a full chance to bloom in my life. See, when you are in constant battle with the world, and fighting against what God wants you to have, it often is a struggle that blooms as frustration, worry, stress and other things that are not exactly putting you on the positive side of things. For a long long time, I always worried about a lot of things I had no control over and used to do everything myself. From getting jobs, to dealing with heavy issues, I was a very independent girl who handled 100% of everything. However, in the last few months of 2005, I learned to embrace opening my space to allow others to share the load. One, because I'm not superwoman, and two, prayer is a medicine that can help, heal, and inspire. Many of friends know how anal I can be when it comes to my life. But .... I'm learning to expand my wings and fly in the wind, with some support from the air of friendship, support, and unconditional love that pours in. The main change I have embraced is to allow others to see my vulnerability and open my space to allow God to do his job as well. Ain't no need in killing myself with worry and stress. So, lately I have had a 365 turn around in my ability to let go, be still and let God do what he does best - BLESS. I'm still struggling with some aspects of this new concept, but not when it comes to peace. My body, soul, and heart is thanking me daily when I actually I have embraced a little peace and quiet into my day.

A few tips on learning how to fly:

Let go of the negative concepts that you cannot do it. Whatever it is, go ahead, dream outloud and say it to yourself, write it down, and meditate on the positive result. Plant a little seed of hope in your brain and believe it. Stay away from negative influences in your life - whether that means, changing a learned behavior, or getting away from negative people in your life. Think outside the box and challenge your "limits". Are you really limited, or are you scared that you might just make it? Do not allow yourself to get caught up in someone eles's insecurity. We all have people who want to see us succeed, and others who simply are afraid of what will happen when we succeed. Take care of yourself - eat right, sleep right, and relax (try a balance of the three). Take a leap of faith - yes, I said it. whether you are spiritual or not, there is a lot said of having faith and standing on your values and beliefs. Surround yourself with others that are on the same path of you - to give you support as you try your wings out. Brainstorm about how you want to get where you want, be specific, write it down in your journal, or speak it into a digital recorder, tape it on your refrigerator, or somewhere you will be reminded of why/how you will fly. Get to where you want to go, baby step at a time and don't be unafraid to be vulnerable, and take a few bumps on the road to your success.

- Mocha Sistah


Diamond said...

A WHOW! and a AMEN.You certainly gave me a lot to think abut as far as my wings and flying. Stayng away from the negative people for I have no time and energy for people telling me that I CANNOT do such and such and I CANNOT find me another place to live and I CANNOT find a job. Don't tell me what I CANNOT do with my true friends and my wings! I'm flyin on...yes I am. I have goals and like your weekly goals states, not to overcommit myself...this week there is a great big job fair on Tuesday between 10-3pm and there will be more than 50 employers and I am going there with thought of selling myself as an "artist" if they are interested. All I have to do is leave my resume(we have to bring 20 copies) and they will see that I am more than qualified. I will "create" a position rather than take a "created one" if that's what it takes. In your post, I am going to let God do the work. Wonderful a matter of fact. I will hav a job by the end of the week that wil work"around my classes and my apt. hunting.


mochasistah said...

Sis! I love your energy. Sometimes when we say it out loud, we realize that dream. YOU have to push yourself through the bull crap of life often! YOu have to face your fears. YOu have to do it! No way around it. I am wishing you blessings as you continue to push against the grain, and grab ahold of your future. Be successful, because you are the dream, and the hope! You will make it no matter what. Stay positive, with your plan, and you will do what you are supposed to do. Be blessed!