Friday, January 27, 2006

Tour of my mini-office

Let's see, I have to break the usual mocha chatter to give you an update on the mini-office. On my left (or to my left) is the fax/scanner/copier (HP Office Jet 5610) which does a pretty good job week to week. I just have to go ahead and keep the ink stocked to death cause I'm copying poems, tutoring lessons, and other stuff. I use HP paper which is to my left in the bundle of folders, poem folders, journals, and other stuff underneath the copier. Just so you know I was so on the grind this week that I didn't use the copier too much because I ran out of ink, yes, I did so I had to ask some of my schools to make copies there, but it's all good. They are very supportive.

To my center is my money maker, the DELL pc, which has a webcam attached to it (no, I hardly ever use the thingy, except to make cute head shots with it). Currently I'm typing on the keyboard which is centered as well. A microphone lays near the speaker (one of the speakers) that's on my left. A pen/pencil/marker holder also has business cards stuck in it, with some hair pens??? Stuck to my computer is this statement "If you haven't been taking care of yourself emotionally, spiritually, and mentally, of course it will show on the outside. Do yourself a favor and tend to your needs so that when you look in the mirror, you blush."

My dsl console is behind the little gray/black speaker. Stuck on the little area (i don't know how to describe this) are pens near the keyboard. you know that area between the Esc keys and the actual keys of the keyboard. Laying on my beige cabinet is a journal, some medical forms, a calculator, and a letter which is over due to be sent via mail for an event I"m doing next week. Yes, it's late. On top of the cabinet is a floetry Cd, client folders, and a stack of business cards, my birth certificate , and a brown clip board.

On the floor are four books, Smart Women Finish Rich, Totally HEROTICA, Sex and the Single Sister, and a novel by Eric Jerome Dickey. My mini-office supply drawers are filled with staples, floppy disks, paper clips, address books, and software disks among other things. Behind the wall (of the computer) is my "Desire Creates Power" holder, pictures of the girls I used to mentor, a brown candle, a pen holder from Mexico, old family pictures and a note from my 9th grade teacher (Earth Science Class at Kenwood academy) along with a good luck charm. My poster board on the wall has curriculum (poetry lessons) hanging on it, as well as timesheet times for all my independent work, cool cards, and reminders for upcoming events. A pink container holds the over 200 student poems in seperate "Hands on Stanzas" folders. Near the container is a brown drawer that has four candles (vanilla, strawberry, peach and blueberry flavors) as well as my African sister holding my pens and other whatnots.

A digital recorder( I done wrote some good jingles on the digital and some confessions which I had to erase...more on that later) and some bills, a lip gloss, an old cell phone and my tv remote on top of the drawer and underneath it are more poems, co-written with other poets, my bible (spiritual food), books, bills, more bills and more poetry books by other independent poets like myself. (Thanks Queen Writer for this idea this week!). On the floor a beige telephone, more student poems, and black slippers. (That's half the mini-tour) the rest is my bedroom - a bed, television, dvd player, dvds, and cds litter the rest of the room along with awards on my walls, a beautiful picture of an african american couple entertwined, a health calendar, and two "teary" eyed faces on the wall in the bedroom face me as I type this very blog. ON the floor a radio, more paper from my formatting manual, and a basket in the corner (I think it's betty boop, cause that's my favorite girl!) Geez, I can't type no more so I'll have to catch you beautiful folks later. I was going out tonight but a date got cancelled. But tommorrow's another day. Party at Sal & Cavaio's downtown on Clark Street and drinks with a few friends will rap up the weekend before I format 2 books and start a new one. All this before Monday? Yes, it's all in the life of Mocha Sistah. Take care and enjoy the tour.

I forgot to mention the old fashioned light is shining right by my left as I type these very words shining on my old 2005 pink and white journal that hold some very tasty poems from trips abroad.


Diamond said...

Wow, girl you got a bunch of good stuff, I can't keep up with cha! Speaking of lip gloss, I am putting some on now...You have quite some office there. All valuable stuff to validate yourself as a Mocha Sistah! I enjoyed my had me laughing at some rest stops. I like that saying that is on your computer.


mochasistah said...

Thanks girl. I am too much of a whole bunch of stuff over here in this office. In fact, I want to expand it so I'm planning to move into a bigger space later this year. God blessing! I took that saying out of one of my sister magazines. Take care Queen Writer!