Monday, January 02, 2006

New Beginnings

Here it is, a few days into the new year and many folks are goal setting, or have long list of things they want to accomplish in the new year. Whether it is being financially free, debt free, losing weight, getting a new car, or other ones, folks are stressed out because they might be having issues with these "resolutions". It's great to have your goals, but I want you to think outside of the box in regards to your goals and how you want to accomplish them. Do you feel overwhelmed with these resolutions, and how many of these goals do you think you can complete? A few tips from the mistress of goal-setting. One, try to write down all your goals, then write alternative ways of reaching each goal. Which ones look feasible and manageable? Take the long list and trim it down to the most important ones that you can really focus on. Write your goal out, and when you want to complete it, but also write challenges that you might deal with to achieve those goals. Try to break down your goal in tiny baby steps. Take your time with your goal day by day and week by week. Don't get mad at yourself if it takes a while to get into the groove of completing steps to reach your goal. Everyday, every week, look at yourself in the mirror and chant out loud positive statements relating that goal. Find a good close friend and share that goal with them. When you are trying to reach that goal, I"m sure your friend will ask "how's it going with your goal of _____" Use this person as a listening board and brainstormer. Write down your goals, print out your own sheet that details your goal and little achievements you have in relation to the goal. Be realistic. If 10 goals for the year won't work, cut it down to 1 to 2 manageable ones. Just try to take your time to visualize your goal, say positive thoughts about achieving that goal to yourself and you can do it. Erase the past negativity of 2005 and say that 2006 is a NEW YEAR and go for it!

1 comment:

mochasistah said...

Thanks TC. I will try. As usual, I start off good, then get tangled up in so many things, but it always ends up beautifully. May this year be blessings to you as well.