Sunday, April 09, 2006

Spring Employment Tips: Part I

Spring Employment Tips, or better yet, tips to help those Self-Employed Writers/Literary Artists get ready for Summer. If you are like me and you actually depend on income from schools during the school year, you know that summer is fastly approaching. For me, it will be the week of June 13th. Fortunately for me, I do have one program that I will be working with throughout the summer, thru August, along with freelance writing, and consulting projects that will help me push through two months of none-school related months. So, what is one to do?

Go through your current resume. Add skills, have someone other than yourself, update the resume. Have different resumes for different skills: Administrative, Performance, Publishing/Writing, etc. Make sure to have an updated reference list in case you do apply for positions that will require an reference.

Networking, works. Use all resources available to you. Call your artist friends for job leads, even those in different cities. Touch base with other writers in your online writing groups. Use Craiglist (city - Chicago, or whichever city you are living in). Post a resume on job-specific sites - (for non-profit jobs), or (Career Builder, etcetera). Network with former employers, or former co-workers. This is how I have gotten many of my part-time jobs. 80% of my consulting jobs have been from industry-specific colleagues.

You have to think about things that you normally wouldn't. Depending on which schedule you want to work, your approach should be consistent with that schedule. Don't look for a full-time job if you aren't interested in that. Why waste an employer's time? There are plenty of job opportunities that are flexible. Theatre clerks, sales positions, community-based positions, freelance writing positions - editors, typesetters, consultants, etc. Multiply your income by dividing your time into different skills with different time slots. Yes, it's a lot of work, but you need to set a budget for your summer NOW. If you want to have money for July, August and September, then get out your bills and construct a liveable budget. What can you live with and without?

With your summer budget and part time jobs, you need to figure out which events you plan to go on during the summer time. How much money are you willing to spend? Which ones are very important to attend? Make a monthly calendar and figure out how much hotel, airfare, and book sales or possible stipends attached to each venue. Do you need to travel out of your state necessarily? Are there any close events that provide exposure? Check out local events, radio stations, and online writer groups. Figure out if you can simply do a couple of booksignings at local libraries and book stores. Also check out local reading groups to host you. Figure in the cost of postcards, online website fees, and business cards and of course your books.

Balance your work with your literary needs and see what it totals to. Don't forget to put a little time for yourself between all the needs and wants. Try to save money - at least 1/2 of what you need now, if not all by the Summer month of June to be ready for July - September. Actually you should have 3 months of your regular salary saved, but if not, at least your minimal amount needed to survive. But I rather see you thrive, not survive.

Be creative and go for it. Got any good tips, share them in the comment section. Thanks!

~ Mocha Sistah


Diamond said...

Yes, yes, yes, I like I like and I is good to be back on line after 3-4 days of no-contact. Mocha, I miss you, had no other way to get to you for there were no computers available. Whew...anyway, excellent post. I needed to see this and I will take into account the suggestions therein. Thanks Lady Locks!

mochasistah said...

Hey lady. I hope you do get that job you deserve this summer, so prepare early enough to meet your "needs". Be blessed.